On Tuesday, January 28th, for the first time in a long time, Pine River Area High School was represented at the MSVMA District One Solo and Ensemble Festival. This very brave and very talented ensemble prepared two pieces which they performed for an adjudicator who then graded them based on several factors. After it was all said and done, they scored a 23 out of 30 possible points, earning a Second Division rating overall - one point shy of the First. Congratulations to Tori Grant, McKenzie Sang, Suzanne Partridge, RyLea Wheeler, Bryce Wanstead, Ethan Underhill, Katie Dutka, Sophia Bianchi, Aryelle Sible, Kaylee Ankney and Aurora Curtis! Way to go, everyone!!
Not pictured: Tori Grant, Aryelle Sible and Aurora Curtis