Please click on this link for the updated January 18, 2021 Board of Education Organizational meeting that will take place remotely tonight, at 6:00 p.m.  

Public notice of this meeting and how to attend via google meeting or phone were posted in our News section on 1/15/2021.  However, here is the link and phone number information once again:  

To attend via google meet, click and press "join meeting now."  To attend via phone please call, 1 505-445-7166‬ and once prompted enter the following PIN:  227 743 165‬#.  You microphones will be muted. If you wish to address the board during public comment you may do so by unmuting your microphone.  If you are calling by phone, press *6 to unmute yourself.

As a reminder, If you have any technical difficulties while logging in, please contact (231) 444-7975 for assistance.