Pine River Area Schools will hold a Board of Education Workshop meeting on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. Please click on this link for the public notice and to review the agenda.
Per MDHHS Emergency Order that went into effect on January 16, 2021, this meeting can only be attended remotely. To join using Google Meet, please click and follow the prompts to "join meeting." Once you are accepted, your microphone will be muted. You may unmute your microphone during public comment only.
To join the meeting by phone, please call 1 929-276-0344 and when prompted, enter this PIN: 664 809 235#. You will be muted until public comment is announced. To speak during public comment by phone, press *6. This will unmute your phone.
If you have any technical difficulties while logging in, please contact (231) 444-7975 for assistance.