Mark Your Calendars! Elementary Christmas Programs are coming up.
Mrs. Johnson’s kindergarten class got the chance to use VR glasses for the first time today! Students got to see different animals in their habitats. They also learned how these animals are able to camouflage themselves to stay safe from predators.
Pine River Area Schools will be hosting a free flu clinic through Spectrum Health for all 6-12 grade students on Monday, November 25, 2019. Permission slips are being sent home this week. They must be returned to the middle & high school offices by Friday, November 22, 2019.
November, Pizza with the Principal! Congrats to these four mighty bucks that got drawn this month! This is part of our school wide PBIS program at the elementary.
Third graders helped pack shoeboxes for “Operation Christmas Child” again this year. Our students love helping others.
Watch for the Movie Night Flyer to come home with your student this week! Permission forms need to be returned to the school no later than Nov. 18.
Because Manton's vb team is in the regional final tomorrow, they need to change the date of our ms boys basketball game to Friday, 12/13. The game will start at 5:00.…/11/13/ms-boys-basketball-rescheduled/